Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cirque du Awesome

You know what's cool? Cirque du Soleil.

You know what else is cool? Guernica.

Cirque du Guernica! therefore, will be supercool.
Imagine it: A troupe of clowns depicting the bulls. They come out and do their funny dances and what-have-you with horns glues to their heads. Just then, a flash of lights and the sound of bombs as the acrobats come out as the citizens. The trapeze artists, dressed as airplanes drop giant, over-sized prop bombs and the gore ensues. Dead clown-bulls and gymnasts just bleeding fantastical candy red blood all over the stage and first few rows of the audience.
Cirque du Soleil is already weird and artsy. I say let's make it political as well. It's about time for some Spanish Civil War in unitards.

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