Synopsis: Hot Pussy! The bell hooks Musical spans Gloria Watkins’s life from her early days in Hopkinsville, KY to her teaching career at Yale, Oberlin and beyond. While the first couple scenes take place during her youth, the show quickly spins off into a two-woman show (think Grey Gardens – a documentary I am so sad someone beat us to making into a musical) documenting arguments between Gloria Watkins and her pseudonym (and alternate identity), bell hooks. The two alternate songs until finally meeting on stage for The Showdown. The final scene takes place at Watkins’s family home in KY with a psychiatric nurse by her side.
Track List: Ain’t I A Woman (How Can We Ever Know)
My Name is Not a Signifier
no i will not capitalize!
Don’t you Subject Me, Mr. Teacher Man
Feminist? That All You Got to Call Me?
Slaughter and Conquest: My Relationship with the English Language
A Hot Pussy Ain’t a Warm Cat
The Showdown (bell hooks v. Gloria Watkins)
I Am Too Smart For Everyone
Now, in light of the final song, I fear this post is too pretentious. If you've ever had to read a bell hooks essay for class, as we have, then you understand how maddening the experience can be. Please allow this to make you smile if you've read bell hooks, and if not, well, tune in next time, or read Gina's Go Ask Alice post. Also, we'll see what we can do about suggestions. What do y'all want as a musical?
Bagni Chimici Usati
5 years ago
I can't believe Balloon Boy the Musical hasn't been written yet!