Sunday, January 24, 2010


Thank you Paul for this one:

"Rats" It's a lot like "Cats" but more about the Bubonic Plague.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Broke the Pattern

Just wanted to add that We've broken our 5 fewer than last month posting pattern already. Take that short term interest in things like blogging.

Hey...I used to have a livejournal. Now THAT's a great subject for a musical!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Catcher in the Rye

So what if J.D. Salinger won't release the rights to Catcher in the Rye for the book to be made a movie, or heck, even a book on tape? I am certain he'd love hearing Holden sing and Dance! I can't think of a better book to musical than this classic tale of angst and depression. I'm thinking Hip Hop/Ranting like "In The Heights."

Allie's Mitt (Holden)
Ackley Kid, You're Crummy (Holden and Ackley)
Sleep Tight Ya' Morons! (Holden)
Baby, You Gotta Pay Twice for Talk (Old Sunny and Maurice)
Terrific Liar (Holden)
Fly Away Ballet (Holden and the Ducks)

I'm sure there's some more in there, but it's grading time for this semester.
Maybe I'll make a musical of the papers I read!

Saturday, January 9, 2010


A musical based on W. Somerset Maugham's novel, Of Human Bondage

I'm not sure this will get quite the audience we want, but as long as the tickets sell, who cares?


90-Years-Young: The Dead Mother Song.
I Limp Because I Love
Mildred (Reprise)
My Cougar
Mildred (Reprise 2)

Well, that's what I got out of the book anyhow.